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敬乂嘉教授        11月28日下午13:00-15:15            第五教学楼5301教室         美国监狱民营化实践及其对中国的启示


敬乂嘉教授,复旦大学外事处副处长,国际关系与公共事务学院教授,国际公共管理研究学会副会长、《复旦公共行政评论》(CSSCI)主编、复旦大学合作治理研究中心主任、教育部“亚洲校园”项目(亚洲风险管理专家)主任、陈树渠比较政治发展研究中心副主任、民政部城乡社区建设专家委员会委员。从事治理、民营化、公共服务提供和比较公共行政方面的研究,其研究重点是在现代公共管理发展过程中,在政府、市场与社会组织之间建立的创新性合作关系及其管理。曾在《人民日报》、《中国人口科学》、《管理世界》、Public Administration and Development,Public Administration Review,Crime, Law and Social Change等国内权威和国际SSCI杂志上发表研究论文。任《公共行政评论》、Public Adinistration Review, International Public Management Journal, International Review of Public Administration期刊编委。2007年主持召开了复旦大学“当代中国公共行政研究与教育”国际学术研讨会,并在Chinese Public Administration Review上主编一期中国公共行政研究与教育的专刊。2011年主持召开“中国的合作治理:问题、趋势与视角”国际学术会议,在International Public Management Journal(2010年影响因子在公共管理类杂志中位列第3)上主编英文专刊和中文专刊。2012年主持召开了PMRC公共管理研究国际会议,2013年主持召开了APPAM公共管理与政策国际会议。




        敬乂嘉、陈斌. 2013. “竞争性合同外包真的有竞争性吗?探索中国政府与非营利组织的合作关系”,《国际公共管理期刊》(SSCI)专刊,第10-30页。

Trevor L. Brown、公婷、敬乂嘉,“中国大陆和香港的合作治理”,《国际公共管理期刊》(SSCI)专刊,第1-9页。


“政府与社会组织公共服务合作机制研究--以上海市的实践为例”, 《江西社会科学》,2013年第4期,165-170页。












Yijia Jing. (With Evan Berman, Meghna Sabharwal, et al.). (2013). The Impact of Societal Culture on the Use of Performance Strategies in East Asia: Evidence from a comparative survey. Public Management Review. (SSCI).

Yijia Jing (With Evan Berman, Chunyuan Wang, et al.). (2013). Public Executive Leadership in East and West: An Examination of HRM Factors in Eight Countries. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 33(2): 164-184. (SSCI).

Yijia Jing. 2013. One-child Policy Needs an Overhaul. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 32(2): 392-399. (SSCI)

Yijia Jing. 2013. Barriers to Policy Change and A Suggested Path of Change. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. 32(2): 406-408. (SSCI)

Trevor Brown, Ting Gong, and Yijia Jing. 2012. Collaborative Governance In MainlandChinaAnd Hong Kong: Introductory Essay. International Public Management Journal. 15(4): 393-404. (SSCI).

Yijia Jing and Bin Chen. 2012. Is Competitive Contracting Really Competitive? Exploring Government-Nonprofit Collaboration inChina. Forthcoming in International Public Management Journal. 15(4): 405-428. (SSCI)

Stefanie Weil and Yijia Jing. 2012. The EU andChina’s Perceptions of Democracy and Their Impact on China-EU Relations. In Conceptual Gaps in China-EU Relations. Edited by Zhongqi Pan.UK: Palgrave MacMillan.

Yijia Jing. 2012. From Stewards to Agents? A Case of Intergovernmental Management of Public-Nonprofit Partnership inChina. Public Performance and Management Review. 36(2), 230-252. (SSCI)

Yijia Jing. 2012. Cadre Education and Training inChina: A General Analysis. Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Yijia Jing. 2012. The U. S. Experience in Prison Privatization. In Prison Privatization: The Many Facets of a Controversial Industry (Volume I: The Environment of Private Prisons), edited by Byron Price and John Morris. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers. Pp55-85.

Yijia Jing and Ting Gong. 2012. Managed Social Innovation: The Case of Government-Sponsored Venture Philanthropy in Shanghai. Forthcoming in Australian Journal of Public Administration. 71(2): 233–245. (SSCI).

Yijia Jing and Qianwei Zhu. 2012. Civil Service Reform inChina: An Unfinished Task of Value Balancing. Review of Public Personnel Administration. 32(2): 134-148. (SSCI).

Yijia Jing. 2011. Outsourcing: Rebuilding Public Service Delivery inChina, in Innovation in Public Governance in Asia, Stephen J. Bailey, Pekka Valkama, and Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (eds.) TheNetherlands: The IOS Press. Pp93-109.




“论非基于使命的公共价值在当代绩效导向的公共行政中的地位”,《复旦公共行政评论》,大卫.哈里.罗森布鲁姆著,敬乂嘉译,2012年第9辑, 5-20页。

